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SIM Technology’s Wholly-owned Subsidiary Simcom Receives “2009 CDMA Terminal Most Innovative Handset Design Award” The Sole Handset Design and Development Company to Achieve This Honour

Hong Kong, 1 March 2010

SIM Technology Group Limited (“SIM Technology” or the “Group”; SEHK stock code: 2000), a leading mobile handset and wireless communication module solutions developer in China, today announced that the CDMA handset design solution of its wholly-owned subsidiary Shanghai Simcom Limited (“Simcom”) has been awarded the “2009 CDMA Terminal Most Innovative Handset Design Award” (2009年度CDMA終端最佳設計創新獎). Simcom is the only handset design and development company to receive the award this year which was presented at the “2010 China Telecom CDMA Terminal Industry Chain Annual Meeting” (2010中國電信CDMA終端産業鏈年會) held earlier.

The “2010 China Telecom CDMA Terminal Industry Chain Annual Meeting” was held in Beijing on 21 January 2010. This major event organised by China Telecom Corporation Limited (“China Telecom”) follows the “China Telecom 3G Industry Supply Chain Summit” (中國電信3G產業鏈峰會) held in June 2009 and aims to promote the development of a CDMA supply chain sector. This year’s meeting has attracted more than 400 participants from industry supporting CDMA applications.

Honours presented by China Telecom include the Awards for the Best National Distributor (最佳國代商), Top 10 Provincial Distributors (十佳省級渠道商), Top 10 Retailers (十佳零售店), and Top 10 After-sales Service Outlets (十佳售後網點), as well as the Mass Market Handset Product Award (大衆機產品獎), the Trendy Handset Product Award (時尚機產品獎), the Commercial Handset Product Award (商務機產品獎), and Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards for Outstanding Market Performance (市場表現金銀銅獎). This year, China Telecom has added the “2009 CDMA Terminal Most Innovative Handset Award and Most Innovative Handset Design Award” (2009年度CDMA終端最佳手機創新獎和設計創新獎), and the winners included renowned international handset manufacturers such as Samsung and Motorola, while Simcom was awarded the “2009 CDMA Terminal Most Innovative Handset Design Award”.

Mr. Cho-Tung Wong, Executive Director of SIM Technology, said, “Simcom’s achievement in winning this award is both a testimonial and an endorsement by China Telecom for the Group’s R&D efforts in CDMA technology. This success also sets the stage for closer cooperation between the Group and China Telecom during 2010 and marks a solid start for the Group in the commercialisation and manufacturing of CDMA technology solutions.”

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