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Datang Mobile Cooperates with SIMCom to Develop TD-SCDMA Terminal

14 April, 2005

Datang Mobile Communications Equipment Co., Ltd. recently announced that it had chosen Shanghai SIMCom under SIM Technology Group Limited (SIM Technology) as a partner to develop the TD-SCDMA terminal solution. Datang Mobile will provide physical layer protocol stack, high-level protocol stack Meco, application platform Arena, basic application software Garnet and perfect tool kits and reference design.

Datang Mobile expressed that its business terminal solution was in the whole process of MTnet test organized by the Ministry of Information Industry in 2004 as well as the TD-SCDMA industrialization test project of state 3G special test in 2005. It was possessed of the perfect and mature protocol stack software, open complete platform and various application modules plus its patented power-saving technology SICE making a breakthrough in the issue of terminal power waste.

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